Our Product & Services

Enterprise-grade software : Powered by Odoo


Point of Sale, Sales, CRM

Inventory & Manufacturing

Inventory, Manufacturing, Purchase & Maintenance

Finance / HR 

Accounting, Invoicing, Expenses, Documents, spreadsheet, Sign, Employees, Recruitment, Time off, Attendance, Appraisal 

Optimized software solution

Merger ( API Integration)

Swiggy /Zomato/Uber eats/ Deliveroo/Foodpanda/Grabfood/Doordash

White Label Mobile App

Online ordering mobile all on Android, IOS, Web integrated with payment gateway & delivery partners

Other important Application

Feedback, Dine-in, Digital menu, Customer engagement, Online table reservation

3500+ Restaurants run Wera to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.